
User Guide

Task404Bot is a desktop app for managing tasks, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Task404Bot can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.


Viewing help: help

Adding tasks: todo deadline event

Mark and Unmark tasks: mark unmark

Listing all tasks: list

Deleting tasks: delete

Finding tasks by keyword: find

Loading tasks: load

Sorting tasks: sort

Making aliases: alias

Saving the data

Exiting the program: bye


Viewing help: help

Shows a message explaining how to use a command. Help can be viewed for all commands.


Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

When you executehelp todo, below is the expected outcome.

todo <task description>
- Adds a todo task.
- The task description should not be empty.

Adding tasks: todo deadline event

Adds a task to Task404Bot. There are 3 types of tasks that can be added to Task404Bot.

  1. Todo tasks are tasks that do not have a deadline or event date.
  2. Deadline tasks are tasks that have a deadline.
  3. Event tasks are that have a start and end date.


Expected outcome:

When you executedeadline iP submission /by 24/09/2023 23:59, below is the expected outcome.

Awesome! I've added the following task:
  [D][ ] iP submission (by: 24/09/2023 23:59)
Now you have 2 task in the list.

Mark and Unmark tasks: mark unmark

All the tasks in Task404Bot can be marked as done or undone. This is useful for keeping track of the tasks that have been completed.


Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

When you execute mark all, below is the expected outcome.

Noted. I've marked all tasks as done.

When you execute unmark 2, below is the expected outcome.

OK, I've marked this task as undone:
  [D][ ] iP submission (by: 24 Sep 2023, 11:59PM)

Listing all tasks: list

All the tasks in Task404Bot can be listed out.


Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

When you execute list, below is the expected outcome.

Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [T][X] read book
  2. [D][ ] iP submission (by: 24 Sep 2023, 11:59PM)
  3. [E][X] Hackthon (from: 4 SEP 2023, 7:00AM to: 9 Sep 2023, 11:45PM)

Deleting tasks: delete

Task404Bot can delete tasks that are no longer needed.


Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

When you execute delete 1, below is the expected outcome.

Noted. I've removed this task:
  [T][X] read book
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

You can check what deadlines or events are on a specific date.
Note: The end date of a deadline or event must be after the specified date.


Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

When you execute print_date deadline /on 20/09/2023, below is the expected outcome.

Here are the 1 tasks happening on 20 Sep 2023:
  [D][ ] iP submission (by: 24 Sep 2023, 11:59PM)

Finding tasks by keyword: find

Task404Bot can find tasks that contain a keyword.


Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

When you execute find iP, below is the expected outcome.

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[D][ ] iP submission (by: 24 Sep 2023, 11:59PM)

Loading tasks: load

You can load other tasks from a file into Task404Bot.


Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

When you execute load my_tasks.txt, below is the expected outcome.

Loading tasks list from my_tasks.txt...


Now the tasks saved in ./data/my_tasks.txt are loaded into Task404Bot.

Sorting tasks: sort

Tasks in Task404Bot can be sorted by name, deadline or type.


Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

When you execute sort deadline, below is the expected outcome.

Sorting task list by deadline...


Now the tasks in Task404Bot are sorted by deadline.

Making aliases: alias

You can make aliases for anything! Task404Bot will remember the aliases and use them in the future.


Example of usage:

Note: You cannot make an alias for an existing alias. For example: alias td todo then alias t td are not allowed.

Expected outcome:

When you execute alias t todo, below is the expected outcome.

Nice! I've added the alias: t -> todo

Now, Task404Bot can understand t as todo.

When you execute alias t, below is the expected outcome.

OK, I've removed the alias: t -> todo

Saving the data

Task404Bot data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Exiting the program: bye

You can exit the program.

